My portfolio site for your review.

UI and UX Design.

We Hydrate - Daily Water Intake Tracking App

For this project, I have created an app designed to help user's track their daily water intake. The goal for this app is to give a subscriber the option of using a timed and measured approach to ensure that an individual is consuming the FDA's daily recommended water amount.

This app means a lot to me personally. In December of 2022, I needed to have dental work performed. My denist prescribed me with antibiotics to take for ten days by my dentist after the work was completed. My initial goal, was to stop consuming all alcoholic beverages for this ten day period. It was by sheer coincidence that by two days my next semester as a student at Central Piedmont Community College started and I decided to instead move my goal to the end of the spring 2023 semester.

While completing class-work through-out this particular semester, I started to notice how many empty water bottles were pilling up in my trash can. It was at this point We Hydrate was imagined in my mind. One of the projects we had to complete for my course in UI and UX, we were asked to create an app that would be presented to our class.

By researching the recommended daily amount of water intake, I discovered that an individual can actually consume to much water and therefore put themselves in danger of over-hydrating. Which makes tracking your daily water consumption even more important.

Not only did I make my goal of not consuming alcohol for that specific semester, I haven't had any alcohol since. So, to stand on the last day of spring 2023 and present my app to my professor and classmates was truly special.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Fill free to use the Carousel Slider on the right hand side of this webpage to explore my app.


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